yeah yeah .. ytd was valentine.. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO EVERYONE~ hmmm yesturday after school we went opposite school meet rebecca and diana's fren then watched alittle xxx SHHH ! onces in awhile then watch okay! hmm yeah then .. waited for papa to come down give mummy FLOWERS(^_^) yeah then papa too so DAMN long to come. uhh waited until 330 plus then when home .. yi xian follow me home then we when out to orchard- yeah.. took a cab down cos we're damn late ? hmm meet jeb at orchard mrt then walk around yah then went to parkway and we ate KFC, Burger King and Yoshinoya. hahahas damn hungry lah cant blame that we ate so much. uhh. then when home with rach on a cab. got home, bath and called yi xian and shaun then talk for awhile then use the com and when to sleep ? replied alot of msg while sleep thou then someone called talk for awhile and when back to sleep. hurhur. so yeah now im in school blogging. how nice. oh well i pierced my tongue and im talking like those ppl who have short tongues. prononucing error. damn hard for me to eat. LOLS:D still to say i like it. just bear the pain. yup gonna stop here. and i was freaking late for school HAHAHAS:D
i told you a secret at
8:26 AM
wahahahas .. ONION AND POTATO ! paging for more onion and potato. where are you ? ms rebecca finds you "CUTE" HEES! psst .. onion and patato is my EOA teacher and he so OLD(-_-)" hes' like in his late 50s ? lols si rebecca .. whack my arm until its red. still go out of school pinch me .. boohoo hahas okay today the whole day in school was bluetoothing song around the class. yes .. ms saleha DID NOT catch. hmm yeah .. then after school at 145 when out too makan with xiao-j, peanut,rach,yi xian and laura .. then came back to school at 215 plus ar..? yah then HARRY POTTER came in to class. yah .. she sort of sit on my left hand the next, next table and i actually fell asleep while reading the story book ..HAHA! she didnt even know btw shes' a damn strict ass woman. hahas. yah yah then i went home at 330 with xiao-j and rach .. got home, bath, sat down and study .. oh si laura keep saying i sleep in class and dont study. idiot~ i always study at home lah. uhh.. yah now im freaking bored .. oh valentine's day is coming its like next week..? uhh .. gonna blog out now. bye.
i told you a secret at
7:45 PM
OH HELLO HELLO AGAIN~ erms great .. im starting to have error need Zwei to reformat for me. hees. oh well lately i have got to know alot of ppl from sgf .. hmm like ah sep, praetor81, perventboi, jeb etcetc .. sorry cant rmb the rest . yeah, im getting sick again .. hmm contaminated ? lols- i have been on the phone with someone which really bightens every of my night. oh and last night when i was talking to him, my mom popped in. she sort of heard the conversation outside my room and she came in and asked for the phone. i panic until i shiver lols BUT, BUT.. i was smart enough to hide my phone behind my back when she asked me to show her my two hands .. then she asked me to turn around so i take the phone and turn around and hid it in my pocket hahas .. suddenly she ask me to jump so i jump .. HAHAS so yeah i got away with my so-so brillant idea ? hees its damn funny when you see my mom act like a fool .. ahh geez, my life have been full of ups and down. i guess cant really have much peace in life. do i really have to go through all this ? i wish there was someone whom can help me clear my mind and build peace for me .. ahh guess what .. today after school some "big boobs woman"(mind me as im too pissed and shes from my school) keep staring at me in the train . what the hell. i heard she showed "L" behind my back when i was going down the escalator .. i got my spy tagging along with her .. oh yah i showed her fuck behind her back when i alighted off the same bus as her yah and to that girl: dont you have other better things to stare? can you jolly well fuck off and ask your fren to stop staring at me too ? my fren stopped me from making troubles with you today .. and tmr you start creating your damn nonsence i swear i will kill you with whatever i have on my hands. i swear man .. i swear .. geez .. you're honestly having those big boobs and you're short .. my fren cant even stop laughing and teasing you about it. you got bucket tooth to back up for you? im aint scared of her .. crap .. if you wanna complain to RTC feel free lady. i will be suspended as that the maximum punishment. guess thats what you wanted eh ? a bunch of irritating assholes. i will have three cheers for a sweet revenge. yeah and another thing happen .. harry potter caught me eating sweets in class .. erms .. i actually ate finish my sweet before she asked me to show her. hahas . i was late for her class thou .. oh well .. im so bored .. im gonna listen to more music .. yeah ..
i told you a secret at
6:26 PM