well, today i didnt stay back for the extra lessons . oh well i when home eat bath then sleep . uhh . i woke up and i read all the msg . man it was shockingON sunday i have to wake up so early just to go shopping at orchard . somemroe with yixian and rachael . this two will always rush me when im late . psst ... im always the last one who reach the destination . wahahahas .. yup so i will be going to yi xian's house to do OUR VALENTINE'S DAY PROJECT ! hahas btw im currently working in SWEET LOVERS- company bet no one could find it . hahas .. hmm .. so tired yawn* later still got the stupid dumb english tution . i really wonder why my mom wants me to have english tution when i pass my english ...? hmm oh well im so like waiting to yi xian to lend me the memory card reader so i could transfer all the music into my 1 gb card . oh i stuck to this song "te amour" cant find it . damn great can ?? hmmm . oh well im so bored . listening to music, talking to my xiao didi, replying ppl in sgf and finally i just saw ben ben de zhu lai liao . wee~ at least someone who can entertain me . yup . hahas .
i told you a secret at
5:35 PM
I BETTER UPDATE NOW !! omg omg ! finally camp over ! woohoo ! anw ... now talking to ah mos, ah pwn, bluejuice, xue and if im not wrong ah meltz . yup . im bored . well i just finish my science hmwk . alright . well i had three days camp in tp . and its FUN ! yeah i got to know CH, bella and keith(if thats how to spell) . yup yup . had the teamwork together as a class even thou my class had a great fight and misunderstand between each other . well, after all the first day we became frens again on the second day uhh . okay i got to meet jesmond too . his damn tall . hahahas . oh well im so tired aft camp and today i had to go back to school for extra cpa lesson wth ... yeah yeah so tmr i still have school . wtf ! school school every fucking day . honestly this suck i cant even have my time to relax now . argh !! haiz . nvm . fuck care whats happening but honestly to "MRSHAN" can you jolly well stop it with your han here and han there ? its freaking irritating lor . i wonder how your bf tahan you . omg . hmm anw .. i bet laura was angry cos i said abt her .. as in i told her not to sit like a chiao ah lian . hmm sorry lah . anw .. i gonna stop here first later blog again . hahaha tata !
i told you a secret at
3:39 PM

HAHAHAS ! OMG ! each and everyday in class is so damn FULL OF CRAP ! HAHAHAS ! IM LOVIN' MY CLASS SO MUCH ! yeah i had class phototaking today with FUNSHOTS ! everyone was damn happy . yup sarah and triny wasnt in . that was damn sad cos of roland dont let them in . haiz nvm . yup .. oh i got a photo . show you peeps man . LOOK ! THATS THE ONE . hahas i stole it to class and the whole class was taking pic and laughing abt it . hahahas . it was raining by that day . hahahas .
i told you a secret at
10:23 PM
alrights . its the second day of school ! wee ! i dyed my hair to light brown seems nice . not black thats all . hahahas . hmm first day of school was so damn sian . see all the sec 1 . wah lau ... yah yah then when out ytd with rach laura and QAL . gees . we went to suntec then raffles then back to suntec then paninsula plaza then to esplande then to when home . was late home by 15 mins . nvm no scolding also . hahas . was damn tired by the time i reached home . so i bath eat alittle bit talk on the phone and slept at 11 plus . yeah now second day of school, i brought alot of books bag damn heavy yeah . then sch was yapping abt camp . damn it lah . if dont go we will have to pay 120 bucks just for a pathetic three days course . lame ! yeah yeah . so sian . well its raining now ! yay ! rain rain come longer . im lovin it . hees . bored . lah i go eat my choco liao . bye
i told you a secret at
4:43 PM