HAHAS looks ! its my cousin BEN with his stupid looks . hees . bored bored ppl im bored . well today is CHRISTMAS . merry x'mas everyone ! yeah today was suppose to go swimming but end up i when to play billard with my cousin and uncle .. wooh ! was damn funn yeah yeah . then when to the new ikea . wah lau damn crowded . haiz still prefer to go to the old one . yeah . then went back to my aunty's house uhh . i sat on the OSIM chair . DAMN SHIOK hahas . yar yar . then .when home etc etc ... talking to my fren now ? hahas . yeah its raining ! im gonna go and play the rain then blogg another time .
i told you a secret at
11:17 PM
god damn it ytd was a damn fcuking ass day . well .. okay i when to orchard with rach . i couldn't get wt and QAL out along . then .. i saw nick(my cousin) MAN ! his "gf" so er ? i dunno lah . this is how she dress . a "orange" shirt, a 3-quarter jeans, A PINK slipper ?! omg . i was damn shock to see lah kae ? her nails were painted -GREEN- wah lau spoilt my colour sia . haiz okay thats abt her . now . its nick he ah ... tsk tsk . dress like those "i wanna be emo" omg ! he cant okay ?!?! NICK YOU CANT BE A EMO COS YOU DONT LOOK LIKE ...! okay cut from there cos im gonna puke . uhh- yeah yeah anw then i saw a total of 6 sacians when i out ? yupp . when to paragon and saw stanvire uhh then me and rach when to see shoes ! yup for her brother hahas . yeah man i saw this damn freaking cool nice shoes . woah- i was trying it alot of times . too nice lah . cant blame right ? hees . yeah . then up comes rach's mum and brother . oh me and rach was actually eager to walk away from her mum . hahas shh . yeah then had dinner . yeah i saw so many ppl with like stick legs when i was walking pass them . hahas . yeah by the time i went for dinner with rach, rach's mum & bro .. it was nearly 830 plus was suppose to be home early like 9 ? uhh . nvm i bought potato chips and sweet and then when home . around 1030 i reached home . my mum didnt nagged so did my dad . yeah . anw . i was so tired ytd that i really got to bed early like 12 plus . dunno whose the idiot who called me . yeah yeah . its been raining for the past few days and now it stops i so miss the rain . haiz
i told you a secret at
8:51 PM
hahas . wah so long then i got time to post my days . hahahas yeah im coughing badly this days . uhh . well i quit my job already . so im gonna get ny pay cheque ? hahas 510 bucks . worth eh ? hahas .. yeah yeah . sick of it . one min ask me to work next min ask me not to go back sian lor . neither do i have my heart to contiune working yeah .. soon im gonna chiong go out shopping for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS . hahas . some ppl owe me ah i wont forget . stanvire you OWE ME ONE BIG PRESENT cos i caught you laughing . yeah one big present hees ! hmm yeah sian .. i havent been sleeping early this days too . cos of wt .. ask me pei him sms for the night tsk . nvm lah . hmm yeah and got a new phone N70 BUT .. BUT .. im not using it pathetic right ? my mother took the phone haiz . nvm lor . bo bian mah .. hmm yeah yeah im sooo tired T.T uhh . i need to move my ass out of the house to cck waah lauu . go aunty's house so far . boohoohoo ..
i told you a secret at
1:33 PM
haiz .. well today i failed my exam . i didnt graduate from university of crapology . wow . then .. this morning .. went to get my school books . so little . yupp .. then came home wonder around the house then out i go to meet rach . you know what ? i was suppose to go out with someone . BUT that someone when out with her fren . wow . you know she could just tell me that she wanna go out with her frens ?! yeah . god when i SAW her i was already freaking piss but i controlled .. cos what is done is already done . i dont wanna start a fight .. yeah . god damn it . hmm now im back to sgforums again . too addicted . made alot of nice frens like ah mos, sqully, ah meltz, ah pwn, ah pon, ah tian, skid, herzog, bluejuice, linyu etc etc . haiz . bored . talking to my fren on my phone . hahas . funny(: yup that for today .
i told you a secret at
9:38 PM
hahas . yeah its really really been very very long since i last blogged . hahas . yeah that stupid yi xian shes flooding my testi omg . i NEED revenge !! hahas . yeah now my inbox if full umm . thanks ah .. hahas yeah yeah life is so boring now . hahas umm . too boring till i dunno what to do . anw . i just got my pay guess how much was it ? 465 bucks hahas . good man . i worked OT lah thats why . hahas . anw .. er yeah i dunno what to talk about already . life is simply getting boring each day . umm .
i told you a secret at
3:20 PM