well todays gonna be the day where im gonna be quiet.
kinda feeling tired lately. hmmm exams are coming somehow like this coming very monday.
cant wait for it to start(: lols.
hmmm so yea ... im feeling that everyone is acting very weird .. i wanna feel free again. im losing my freedom. how sad yea?no freedom sucks. haiz havent start study guess im gonna start later? yup ... ahh my backs aching again. pain la. hahas hmmm quite bored now. not sure wat to do. haiz .... oh ytd some dumb sec one got guts to check my hair .make me waste my time to got up to RTC to see sista rita. wat the ...
ah late for school too. gotta to the dumb plan sick of it,. wonder how the rita can tahan seeeing the dumb plan every weekdays.
lame lor. hahas well after school whent o meet up with my fren yea.
got home after that sleep till 6 plus. yea. too tired.
god damn my mum lost my phone at home.
wat the .....
ahh then skip dinner didnt even got a chance to go back to tution haiz.
well so bored. guess im gonna stop here. chiaos!
i told you a secret at
12:52 PM
todays the STRESSING DAY .. im super stress. early in the morning the bloody contacts got into the back of my eyes. god damn it. it hurts superb! ANW .. after that i got to school my eyes were tired but have to ren? yea. had english blah blah blah ... did the dumb english paper .. msg in class listen to the ipod? yea. had maths test quite easy at the starting ending hard man. hmm sleep in class again. too tired cant blame la. hahas oh well got to bring home my book kinda heavy .. hmmm oh yea! when to watch JOHN TUCKER MUST DIE! with rachael yi xian and haiqal. quite lame la. yup then got home and etc... i gotta go im too tired.
i told you a secret at
7:56 PM
i had my second warning letter .. wat the **** i HAD a bloody no choice but the dye my hair BLACK?? EWW!! nvm i didnt even dye my hair black but cashew nut? uh-ha. nvm. i have to go get my hair short now. gotta cut away my poor tail aww=(
nvm nvm. right exams like 8 days from now? wah lau. so fast but .. faster come faster go! yay! cant wait till exams are over then take back my handphone((: yup yup today i was kinda retarded. really retarded. dunno why everyone call me crazy:D hahas. well must be i laugh too much in class already? hmm i was yawning the whole day actually. quite tired. hmm after school i came home quick shower again play com with my brother for awhile then listen to music and what? msging with the damn house phone how irritating actually. have to walk from my room to the living room and back to my room argh! see la i talk about this really came in another msg. wat the ..... well i have to give my dad all my friend's contact number. wth. hack la. his nth related to me anymore. anw i stop here.
i told you a secret at
9:49 PM
TODAY was the day that i spend myself WITHOUT a phone again.
what the ....
well today i had tution too.
early in the MORNING somemore.
tell you ah ITS THE WORST EVER
i couldn't concentrate cos of you acting tough on me ..
grr ..
after all some entertainment on the TV
was boring. i pick up the house phone dialled someone to
talk with .. BLAH BLAH BLAH ...
so bored. came home took another quick shower
talk to "someone"(:
till like what time now also still talking .
hahahas small boy is cute:D
(that person shld kn0ow who im talking about)
yup yup. i couldn't wait for my exams to start and end quickly.
man! i havent got my progress card signed.sian.
well well i guess i gtg sleep tmr's another day to enjoy or maybe not?
hahas gotta find out and drop by in again
chiaos! :D
i told you a secret at
10:45 PM
haiz woke up late as usual lor. my aunt and grandma came la. wth .. play mahjong only. my mum ask me to buy like 90 eggs lar. crazy LUCKY the egg man went home yay! got home i study wsa bored. i coulnt concentrate at that time so i was msging. freaking bored now .. dumb mother came only know how to blah so much about her stuff to me .. yar-da yar-da ... today end so quick exams are coming i still couldn't study much haiz ....
i told you a secret at
8:16 PM
lols .. today was a super pranking day for me? hmm i was suppose to prank someone. right .. last night i was so freaking piss lar. keep asking stupid questions .. can wake up anot? im really finding you SUPER IRRITATING lately lar. ohh guess what i got back my progress card .. wth i fail like shit? dumb rachael was laughing at my marks.right .. having a bad headache now and then .. hmmm so yea .. today i have been sleeping for the whole day till school's over .. wah damn shiok la. hahas. im gonna have BBQ on 13 oct. i HOPE i wont really see the dream(my girlfren's dream) will not really come true for me but as for the rest DIE DIE also must come ture ah .. hehes :D i bought new contacts againXD PURPLE. hahas. wah im so tired. i just i will drop in again(:
i told you a secret at
10:41 PM
hahas my beautiful peeps(= lalalas ..
im gonna post more pic for you ppl to
i told you a secret at
6:36 PM
hellos hellos(: im suoer tired. haiz anw today was so boring everyone was like dieing reactions? hmm i hope tmr wont be .. yea .. hmm i got
gray colour contact lens((= yay! hmm .. i think i write again anothe time im really too tired.bye.
i told you a secret at
6:29 PM